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GDPR Policy


The European Union has taken a considerable step in protecting the fundamental right to privacy for every EU resident with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) which will be effective from May 25, 2018. In summary, EU residents will now have greater say over what, how, why, where, and when their personal data is used, processed, or disposed. This rule clarifies how the EU personal data laws apply even beyond the borders of the EU. Any organization that works with EU residents’ personal data in any manner, irrespective of location, has obligations to protect the data.

Matara Consulting Ltd. is committed to providing the right tools and processes to support its users and customers meet their GDPR mandates.

Matara Consulting GDPR readiness

At Matara Consulting, we have always safeguarded our users’ right to data privacy and protection. We have never relied on advertising as a revenue stream. We have never served ads to our users, and never will. We do not serve ads even to customers using the free editions of our products. This means that we have no necessity to collect and process users’ personal information beyond what is required for the functioning of our products.

How is Matara Consulting preparing for GDPR?

As a data processor, Matara Consulting is clear on its obligation to help customers get ready for the GDPR commencement date. We have thoroughly analysed GDPR requirements and have put in place ongoing initiatives to ensure compliance:

Identifying personal data – Each of our 130 different applications undertakes a different level of personal data collection, usage, storage, and disposal. Defining the purview of personal data for each of these applications and documenting the various sources of data will go a long way in providing a roadmap for compliance in the days leading up to implementation.

Providing visibility and transparency – The most important aspect of GDPR is how the collected data is used. As a data processor, Matara Consulting’s key role is to provide our customers (the data controllers) with access to effectively manage and protect their user data. Matara Consulting is exploring ways to make optimal product enhancements without compromising on performance so that we can provide better transparency to our customers.

Enhancing data integrity and security – Data privacy and data security are two sides of the same coin. As our customers tighten their data security measures, Matara Consulting would like to extend a helping hand. We’re streamlining the processes for our cloud applications by implementing IT policies and procedures that provide end-to-end security.

Portability and transferability of data – GDPR gives end users the right to either receive all the data provided and processed by the controller or transfer it to another controller depending on technical feasibility. With this new right in mind, Matara Consulting is working on its data exporting capabilities to enable export at any customer level.

What does this mean for our customers?

We understand that meeting the GDPR requirements will take a lot of time and effort. And as your partner, we want to help you make your process as seamless as possible, so that you don’t have to worry about compliance and can focus more on running your business. Some of our product enhancements are about to make it easier for you to:

  • Provide access controls
  • Encrypt, anonymize, or delete user data
  • Perform data audits or assessments using data processing logs
  • Create provisions for data subjects’ rights
  • Enhance security for user data
